Biological Control Agents

Management procedure for introduction

ArticleLead AuthorYear
Beneficial insect or plant pest? The regulatory agency's dilemmaRamsay1971
A management procedure for the introduction of biological agents for control of weedsGrabau1973
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) safeguards for introducing natural enemies for biological control of weedsLima1988
An emerging research protocol for biological weed control in crops: the case of common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris (ABSTRACT ONLY)Muller-Scharer1996
Epidemic Spread of a Rust Fungus in a Weed Population (ABSTRACT ONLY)Kolnaar1999
Regulatory approval processes for release of Puccinia spp. for biological control of Carduus and Centaurea spp. in the United States (ABSTRACT ONLY)Bruckart2003
Regulation of biological weed control agents in Europe: results of the EU Policy Support Action REBECAEhlers2007
Weed biological control regulation in Europe: boring but importantShaw2007