Biological Control Agents

Colletotrichum truncatum

ArticleLead AuthorYear
Conidiation environment influences fitness of the potential bioherbicide, Colletotrichum truncatumJackson1992
Use of pregelatinized starch and casamino acids to improve the efficacy of Colletotrichum truncatum conidia produced in differing nutritional environmentsSchisler1992
Biological control of weed hemp sesbania with Colletotrichum truncatum (ABSTRACT ONLY)Boyette1999
Desiccation tolerance in microbial herbicides (ABSTRACT ONLY)Montazeri1999
Formulation of Colletotrichum truncatum into complex coacervate -- biocontrol of scentless chamomile, Matricaria perforata (ABSTRACT ONLY)Hynes2007